Curriculum Vitae
Benjamin L. Harwood


The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
M.Ed. (2004), Instructional Systems Design
Thesis Topic: The Recasting of Bugmobile in a Goal-Based Scenario (GBS)
Operation Invasive Species GBS overview:

The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
B.A. (1993) French Language and Literature. Graduated with honors.
Member of Phi Beta Kappa and recipient of a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship (France).

Professional Experience

Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Instructional Technologist
(February 2007 – Present)

  • Partner with faculty, students and staff to pilot and assess new and emergent technologies with an eye toward infusing digital literacies and best practices into teaching, scholarship and service.
  • Oversee and manage all aspects of the College’s WordPress digital collaboration suite, a campus-hosted multisite platform for academic and administrative website development and delivery.
  • Implement and support classroom-based instructional technologies such as mobile devices and personal response systems that enhance presentation delivery, augment student engagement and peer instruction, and extend podium functionality.
  • Co-manage the College’s high definition videoconference infrastructure consisting of Tandberg and Polycom H323 and SIP enabled devices over Internet2.
  • Partner with New York Six (NY6) consortium and colleagues in support of technology and library collaborations such as the Instructional Technology Apprenticeship Program (ITAP), collaborative technologies virtual team, and the Media Share project.
  • Supervise and mentor a team of instructional technology student assistants.
  • Assist with end user support and quality control, testing and improvement of  the College’s LMS (Blackboard).

Seton Hall University, Teaching Learning & Technology Center, South Orange, NJ 07079
Instructional Designer
June 2005 – January 2007

  • Assisted Math & Computer Science, Foreign Languages, Business, Economics, and Counseling Psychology faculty with the integration of instructional technologies into the curriculum.
  • Designed and delivered customized training for faculty, staff and students in the use of Blackboard tools and Tablet PC.
  • Consulted on faculty development projects such as the DyKnow and Freshmen e-Portfolio pilots.
  • Led technology integration in the Development Mathematics Large Course Redesign Curriculum Development Initiative (CDI) in partnership with NCAT Roadmap to Redesign (R2R) institutional grant program.
  • Awarded a Faculty Innovation Grant (FIG) with Spanish faculty (C. Rodriguez) to develop interactive multimedia timeline generator.
  • Designed a new Spanish online course with A&S Online Course Development Grant with Spanish faculty (D. Alvarez) using the Quality Matters rubric.
  • Developed technical writing documentation (i.e., Blackboard portfolios, wikis and podcasting).

Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Horticulture, University Park, PA 16802

Webmaster/Database Administrator

July 2000 – February 2005

  • Designed and developed department websites and databases for communication, research, and extension
  • Developed and maintained course materials for blended and online instruction and testing using software such as Dreamweaver, FM Pro and Test Pilot.
  • Trained faculty and staff in basics of creating webpages, digital still and video production and editing, and ANGEL LMS.
  • Consulted on hardware and software for faculty to use in their classroom instruction.
  • Maintained accounting records for Dr. David Beattie, Professor and Director of the Center for Green Roof Research.

Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Horticulture, University Park, PA 16802

Research Technologist

July 1999 – July 2000

  • Created the Horticulture department’s first intranet.
  • Revised, edited and created the first online graduate student and faculty handbooks.
  • Trained department staff in basic website creation and site maintenance.

Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences,
Department of Horticulture, University Park, PA 16802

Staff Assistant

February – June 1999.

  • Maintained administrative databases, proofread project proposals, and receptionist.

Penn State University, Pattee Library, University Park, PA 16802
Library assistant.
March 1998–February 1999.
Assisted patrons in bibliographic and microform searches.

University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
French instructor. August 1996–August 1997.
Taught two levels of introductory French.

Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France
English lecturer. October 1995–March 1996.
Taught two courses on American history, culture, and media.


OS: Expert knowledge of Windows and Mac platforms; some experience with Linux.
Programming: HTML, CSS, Essentials of JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.
Foreign Languages: Near-native proficiency in oral and written French; some experience with Russian and Spanish.

Selected Professional Presentations and Workshops

Teaching Mobile At Skidmore. March 22, 2013. Mobile Learning Summit. Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. March 16, 2012.

Mobile unSIG: Roam If You Want To. EDUCAUSE NERCOMP SIG. Co-organizer, co-facilitator, presenter. UMASS Amherst, MA: February 11, 2013.

Digital Storytelling Expert Panel with Jim Groom, Alan Levine, Ben Rimes for faculty pedagogy workshop at Daemen College December 14, 2012 hosted by Mike Berta, Director of Experimental Classroom and Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

Au-delà des frontières du lutrin en salle de classe. Society For Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2012 Conference. Learning Without Boundaries / Apprentissage Sans Frontieres. McGill University, Montréal, CA. June 20, 2012.

WordPress for Teaching and Learning. Pre-conference workshop offered at SUNY CIT 2012 Conference at Stony Brook University (SUNY), Stony Brook, NY. May 29, 2012

Exploring degrees openness in the classroom and beyond with WordPress. Spring Innovation 2012 Technologies in Education Conference. The College of St. Rose: Albany, NY. May 18, 2012

Optimal Acquisition and Distribution of Clickers on Campus: Which Approach Works Best? EDUCAUSE NERCOMP SIG: Back to the Clicker. Skidmore College: Saratoga Springs, NY. April 27, 2012

Digital Peregrinations of a Lifelong Learner: Will All Online Roads Lead to the MOOC? EDUCAUSE NERCOMP SIG: Northeast Initiatives. Norwood, MA. April 12, 2012.

Teaching untethered with the iPad. 2012 Mobile Learning Summit. Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. March 16, 2012.

Videoconference technologies, Service and Support: Can you see me now? EDUCAUSE NERCOMP SIG: Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY. March 27, 2011.

The Hero’s Journey as Pilot. EDUCAUSE NERCOMP SIG: Leading from the Front Lines: Piloting, Planning, Promoting, Partnering and Predicting Technology Across the Curriculum. Saratoga Springs, NY. April 23, 2010.

Leadership and Service

EDUCAUSE ELI 2014 Annual Meeting Program Committee member.

Trained as a facilitator in Inter Group Dialogue. January 2012.

Attend NERCOMP Annual SIGMaster Meetings. Proposed and managed 2 SIGs held at Skidmore College in the last two years.

Skidmore-Haiti Initiative Faculty Interest Group co-founder. Travelled to Haiti in January 2011 with 3 other Skidmore faculty to assist with translation and technology projects.

Professional Affiliations


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