Blog post pending on this week-long MOOC. It finished yesterday. I’m still working my way through it as I didn’t have time to devote a 1.5 to 2 hours per night last week. I will be back.
Back to this post on 2/11. I did finish the course last week and now have got a moment to quickly summarize and finish out the post. What an awesome experience! Here’s a post about how the MOOC has influenced my thinking about whether teaching is more a vocation or profession… Great question.
I took a number of notes in a Google doc for later reference. I understand much more now what creative commons licensing is and how it works to name but one takeaway. The Moodle course and Wiki are rich resources that I’ve bookmarked and will come back to. They just work great in tandem, too. The wiki structure gave me an overview to frame what I needed to learn that day with the key concepts. The Moodle course let me interact with others in a more traditional online environment where I shared some posts and comments in the discussion boards. Of course, following #OCL4Ed on Twitter was indispensable for communication. Using any and all of these tools to engage around OER topics is very cool:
Now more than ever, open is the way to go.
I would like to offer a huge shout out to all the folks who signed up and participated. It was great to meet some of you. Above all, thank you so much to the course leaders and organizers, to the very good people at Aotearoa, WikiEducator and the OER Foundation. For me, this was an inspiring eye-opener and community-building event. I’m ready to visit friends and colleagues in New Zealand now. I once spent 10 days or so in the Cook Islands on my honeymoon. The next time we are down that way, we will be sure continue on to Auckland and points south.